Handling SharePoint List's Multi-Select People or Groups Column in Power Automate Problem: Copying a SharePoint list to another and encountered this error with the multi-select People or Group column: The 'inputs.parameters' of workflow operation 'Create_item' of type 'OpenApiConnection' is not valid. Error details: The API operation does not allow writing a value for
Automate Cleaning Up Temporary Files Using Command Prompt Keeping your computer clean and efficient is important, and one way to do this is by regularly deleting temporary files. This guide will show you a simple Command Prompt command to delete all files in your temporary folder and how to set it up to run automatically every month. One-Time
Formatting Multiline Text from SharePoint Lists for Email in Power Automate When referencing dynamic content in Power Automate, multiline text may not display correctly, leading to formatting issues in the output. The following expression updates multiline text to break lines when referencing dynamic content (replace triggerOutputs()?['body/SharepointListColumnName'] with your dynamic content): replace(triggerOutputs()?['body/SharepointListColumnName'], decodeUriComponent(
Removing strings from file names with PowerShell What happened was we have a few hundred files that is numbered with "1_, 2_, 3_" and so on. We were requested to remove the numberings and I don't wanna rename them one by one! At first, my first google search worked, which was to remove
Letting excel calculate the time.. Recently while doing some event planning, I realised how bad I am at adding time. What's 1 hour 35 minutes after 17:40? Brain functional freeze... I set my mind to rest my brain and let excel do the calculating and crossed over to the world wide web.
Unzip files with 7-zip + command line 1. Windows key + E 2. Go to C:\Program Files\7-Zip 3. On the address bar, type 'cmd' 4. Paste the following: 7-zip\7z x "C:\Users\username\Desktop\sample.zip" -aou -o"C:\Users\username\Desktop\Documents" 5. Voila! *Run 7-zip as administrator
Import Outlook signatures before saying goodbye to your old PC/laptop I manage different email accounts for work so it can be a pain when using a brand new laptop/PC and having to re-create the signatures all over again. Also - I love to have different variants of signature for frequently used texts (please subscribe to mailing list!; help me
Keyboard Shortcuts >* Time Wise: Harness the Powerful Habits and Productivity Secrets of the World's Most Successful People by Amantha Imber is a great compilation of the How Tos to optimise your time. One of it is to master keyboard shortcuts. Not only does it save you the time to even
Please stop extracting text from images by typing manually... Starting with this one because it has been around for so long.. and yet kinda forgettable for me. I'm sure that there are slick applications out there in the market.. However Google Docs can easily do the work for free albeit with reasonable limitations. How: Upload your image
Hello World! This is a casual archive/my learning blog of sorts - problems that I have encountered and have managed to google something useful. Mostly desktop stuff like excels, simple automation, basic R/Python, whatever I am learning… nothing crazy difficult and I’ve decided to record them down before my